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😎 New BOOKS!📚

Library Card

Reading is Dreaming with Open eyes!

Your Mary J. Barnett Memorial Library card gives you access to information beyond our library's collection.

Use your library card to check out a wide variety of materials such as books, magazines, DVDs, CDs, audiobooks, eMedia and more. A library card also grants you access to databases and entertainment.

How do I Get a Library Card?

Fill out the online application and then stop by the Mary J. Barnett Memorial Library and present photo identification, such as a driver's license, showing your name and current address. If the photo ID does not include the current address, other documentation must be provided. 

**Minor children must have a parent or guardian sign their application form.**

Full library privileges will be granted upon receipt of a library card following a probationary period.

Initial library cards are free, but there is a charge for a replacement card of a $1.00

Click below for printable application

Library Card Application PDF 

Library Card Application

Library cards are issued FREE to residents of Guthrie Center, Guthrie County and all Open Access Libraries. Our system now can communicate with you via text or email!

To safeguard patron privacy, we require proof of name, address and photo I.D.

All information is confidential.

Mailing Address
Proof of Address

To obtain a card, individuals are required to present photo id with the current address or a valid form of current address (e.g. cancelled mail, electronic bill, etc.)

Library Agreement

My signature indicates my agreement with the following:

  • I will follow all library rules and regulations
  • I am aware of, and understand, library policy regarding use of materials
  • I accept responsibility for all fines, lost or damaged materials borrowed on this card.  I will also report loss or theft of my card promptly (replacement card is $1.00)
  • Children under the age 14 must have the signature of a parent or legal guardian to receive a borrower's card. 

I authorize and assume responsiblity for my minor child to burrow library books, videos, audiobooks or any library materials.